Know everything about your product or service, but not the best way to say it?

At Midori we find special satisfaction in text creation, and some of our employees are even regular contributors to leading Slovenian media publications such as Delo, Večer, and Mladina. We prepare content for company presentations, products, and services, for websites, advertising copy and case studies.

Our rich experience means that we know precisely how a certain type of copy must be handled and exactly how to write it. We make sure that your texts are understandable to all readers, without unnecessary technical or expert jargon; that your press releases will present all the advantages of your products or services in a way that will capture the public’s attention; and that your case studies will by analytical, informative, and, above all, readable.
Our clients
Mladina d.d.
Večer d.d.
Delo d.d.

Telecommunications and IT
Telekom Slovenije d.d.
Si.mobil d.d.

Non-profit and cultural organizations
The British Council

Futura PR d.o.o.